Consumer Optimisation | Home
Take the guesswork out of decision making
Consumer Optimisation helps organisations make better decisions, with greater confidence

By mimicking consumers' thought processes; testing virtual consumer reactions to alternative scenarios in a risk-free environment.

To de-risk decision-making, ensuring better outcomes for you and your customers.

Consumer Optimisation helps all parts of the organisation to make better decisions
Customer Experience
  • Where, how, and how much to invest in the Customer Experience
  • Use CX strategically to drive loyalty and support the brand
  • Optimise CX ROI, not just NPS
Brand Positioning
  • Simulate brand strategies, compare impacts
  • Balance driving consideration with maintaining loyalty
  • Optimise awareness versus position
Communications & Behaviour Change
  • Find the right message(s) to drive change, by segment
  • Tackle an issue directly versus nudging
  • Balance reaffirming values with reinforcing a message
  • User experience
  • Product experience
  • Employee experience
  • Retail analytics
  • Travel & tourism
  • Sensory testing
  • Psychographic analysis